In this competitive digital world every business needs a website. But, do you know just owning a website is not enough.
A good website design is what a business really needs. Because this way the business can showcase what services they have to offer to their customers in a well-designed manner. Now, it really takes an experienced set of skills & hard-work to create a good website design.
There are mainly two devices on which user surfs on the internet. One is mobile and other one is desktop. So, there is more than 80% users surf on mobile and merely 20% users surfs on desktop across the globe. So, an experienced web designer will definitely optimize to deliver a mobile-friendly website. A responsive mobile design with a good UI (User Interface) is what a website needs in order to be mobile-friendly.

Now, let's talk about what are the signs of a good website design.
- Good quality content on the website

A content is a front face of every website. So, this should be presented in a way that when user comes to the website, they know where they’ve come. In short, the user should easily understand what type of services are being offered on your website. Content also helps with user engagement, so the more quality content on your website the more user will engage with it and there will be more chances for google to rank your website in your industry.
- Easy to use website is the key

Your website should be easy to use and navigate for your potential customer when they visit your website. Let’s take a simple example of a super mart, a customer needs a shampoo. Now, the customer will start navigating towards beauty and wellness section then from there he/she will navigate towards shampoo and voila they now got what they need. Now, this process is so simple just because the super mart very precisely segmented all there products category wise. Now, a well-experienced web designer will do this work for you and make your web design in such a way that it is easy to use & navigate by your potential customer.
- Interactive website is what matters

Now comes a part where your website should interact with a user in such a way that it does not spam the user. Like, let’s say a user visits homepage of your website and starts scrolling, now after 5-7 seconds of scroll when user gets a little idea of where they are a one field or two field form pop-up asking the user to subscribe to your newsletter. Another one can be when a user scrolls down to the homepage there should be a clear CTA (Call to Action) button present so that user can interact easily. Your website should basically hold the attention of your potential customer. That’s a sign of a good website design.
- Visibility is important

This is a part in which every business owner needs to have patience and a team who can manage the visibility of your website. This all depends on the SEO (Search Engine optimisation). This is done by a professional which helps a website to rank on search engines like google, bing, yahoo etc. This creates a brand image on multiple search engines. A good website design is definitely required for better visibility of a website. Now, if a website is being ranked on search engines it means they’ve a good website design. But, only website design is not a factor for better rankings.
These are some of the signs of a good website design. Now, whenever you look for a website designer, keep these above points in mind.
If you’re looking for a website designer to design your website or revamp your website for a better design of your current website you can contact bake my brand here.